

This week's list is a 2-parter. Here's Part 1, and our paid subscribers will get Part 2 tomorrow. Upgrade your subscription now for as little as $5 a month!
Climate Change Haikus!  |  Navajo sweat lodge / here in Fairbanks, Alaska / My AC's broken! (Steve Hurd, Oakland, CA) | I like cold weather / that's why I lived in Juneau / now I have boob sweat (Jill Gallagher, Seattle, WA | My Dallas dream house / Now oceanfront property / Yeehaw, climate change! (Chris White, Olympia, WA) | Joke's on you, Putin! / It's really quite pleasant now / in Siberia. (Martin Bredeck, Hybla Valley, VA)  | December AC / Bill too high for Christmas lights / Thanks a bunch, Greta (Fran Fruit, Winnetka, IL) | Ed Begley, Jr. / The man was right all along / Still looks goofy, though. 	(John  Mozena, Grosse Pointe Woods, MI)  | What are the odds that / Congress does something to help? / Snowball's chance in hell 	(Jim Phynn, Horsham, PA) |  Roses are red and / violets are blue. The climate's / fucked up like this hai 	(Allan Rousselle, Redmond, WA)  | Stubborn minds changing / at the speed of a glacier / Which now means backwards 	(Larry Hollister, Concord, CA) | "Under the Sea" is / both a Disney movie song / and Tampa's ZIP code 	(J.J. Gertler, Scientists’ Cliffs, MD)

Top5 for 7/19/23