I'm about to do something I rarely have done in the 30+ years I've been moderating Top5. My dear friend Elma, who's been a Top5 subscriber since the '90s, needs some help.
Elma's husband was involved in a road rage incident in 2018 and was left with severe brain damage. In the last five years, she's found herself in the unenviable position of having to be both breadwinner and caretaker, while also battling constantly with insurance companies to arrange for proper care. At this point, their retirement savings are gone and Elma is out of places to turn for help.
Her friends set up a GoFundMe page for her, and my wife and I have already pitched in. What I'm asking is simple: If you're in a good place in life and have an extra few bucks to pitch in, please consider doing so. Even $5 would help. It would mean the world to her (and to me).
Thanks so much!
Now how about some humor? The contributors and I decided to get a bit silly today...